About Us

We are transforming healthcare through coaching and community. Our ecosystem is like no other practice in healthcare.

Our Mission

To amplify the CARE in healthcare.

Doctor wellbeing (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) is key to this mission. When doctors are well and skilled in human connection and communication, patients receive optimal care and doctors feel fulfilled.

Coaching for Doctors is an innovative and highly dynamic international coaching practice at the forefront of developing coaching for doctors and those they work with or for.

We are committed to helping doctors and their employers improve their human skills and their wellbeing for three reasons:

  • They practice safer medicine and patients have better health outcomes and experiences
  • They do incredibly complex work, in a complex environment and we value them and their efforts as humans first
  • It makes the healthcare system more sustainable for us all at Coaching

Our Core Values

We believe these are the prerequisites for the best possible experience and the best possible outcomes in healthcare. In trust, with courage, curiosity, and compassion we can collaborate effectively.  Working collaboratively is our preferred option. In this, wellbeing and capacity raise each other.

Our Team

I have done lots of different things including work as a therapist, a manager in a not for profit community welfare organisation, and I’ve even worked for the State Government (a long time ago). I have coached Corporate Executives, small business owners and other health professionals. Coaching Doctors is where the rubber really hits the road for me.

4 green circles overlap with words: Confdence, Fullmilment, Safety, Respoect. Centre words: Balanced Life

There were two things that drew Sharee to coaching doctors:

  • Prevention is better than a cure.

Doctors are essential to most people’s wellbeing. We all need doctors to maintain our health. Doctors by the nature of their work are under enormous pressure leading to higher rates than the general community of suicide, depression, substance abuse and burnout (per BeyondBlue’s National Mental Health Survey of Doctors and Medical Students).

Coaching can empower and energise people. Coaching is a process that supports, empowers and clarifies our thinking. I work as a coach with doctors to help them proactively respond to their work and their lives so that doctors can be inspired, effective and well people.

  • There is a knock on effect to patient health outcomes

Doctors do their best work when they are well. They are more patient, more present and more kind. Research has shown that health outcomes are better for patients when doctors are well and engaged in their work. Coaching helps the doctor clarify their own meaning and to take action for their future, their own health and their patients’ health. When doctors are well the health outcomes are better for everyone.

Why coach doctors? Coaching is a proactive, preventative process that allows for self discovery and effective action. Coaching can encourage personal awareness and insight, enhance skills and prevent burnout. Coaching is an empowering process that helps people find clarity and take action in their own lives and that often impacts the system around them.

People are always asking Sharee how she came to coach doctors. Here’s her more long winded explanation!

The Long Winded Version

Coaching for Doctors administrative and operational team are joined by a growing team of experienced Coaches, you can meet our Coaches here.

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