Who we work with

  • Doctors who want their work to be extraordinary and who know that there is more to learn, that they have gaps in their skills set or want to refine what they do.
  • Doctors who are learners rather than knowing it all.
  • Doctors who seek insight or clarity.
  • Doctors who value interpersonal skill, relationships and collaborations.
  • Doctors who are proactive, accountable and responsible for their role in their experiences.
  • Doctors who want to love their work.
  • Doctors who want to care enough about their one precious life and their contribution to the world that they are willing to actively invest in want matters.

Doctors are in the people industry. Medicine is based on trust, relationship building, integrity and skill. Sometimes working in health is messy, sometimes it is exciting and rewarding. The work is complex, the environments are often highly stressful and uncertain, and the workload is heavy. Coaching helps doctors understand what they really want their work to be their life to be and helps them create an extraordinary reality. Extraordinary because it is actively crafted by them, aligned with their values.

Sometimes the world grinds good people down. We help doctors build their mental fitness, their hope and their confidence. When you love what you are doing it affects your relationships and your results, reduces the risk of burnout and helps your patients heal. Rediscover your uniqueness, strengths and spark. Let your work and your life flow. These are the skills that help adults build and buffer, lead the change they want to see and connect with others in better ways.

Our Clients

  • Are high performers and leaders in health.
  • Want to have a big impact on the world and do not settle for the status quo in their own lives.
  • Are ready to learn about themselves – asking and answering big questions about themselves and about medicine.
  • Are present in their lives, no longer avoiding and justifying, making each day count.

How we work

It’s really important that doctor and coach are a good fit. There’s really no replacement for a conversation and giving it a try, when it comes to coaching. To really find out how coaching can work for you book a complimentary conversation: with one of our coaches about Flourish 1:1 Coaching, or with Sharee Johnson for Recalibrate or Flourish VIP.

What does working with one of our coaches look like?

People are unique, with different circumstances, requirements and ways of working. Coaching will be scheduled to make sure it serves your needs. Here are some ideas of how coaching engagements often work:

  • We start with a free consultation (30 minutes, usually by phone or on Zoom).
  • Coaching sessions are usually 60 minutes, via Zoom. (Sometimes they are by phone)
  • The first thing we’ll do if we decide to work together is get really clear on our objectives for coaching: Your Coach will want to understand what does success look like for you?
  • Our work is usually over a period of several months.
  • We will usually have sessions every 2-4 weeks.
  • We will provide a safe space to discuss what’s important to you, supporting and challenging you with questions and feedback.
  • Coaching is about action, and creating real change in the world, so between sessions there will usually be some action you will take.

But sometimes coaching isn’t the best way to work with a client. If that’s the case our coach will talk with you about the reasons they have come to that conclusion and discuss other possible options with you if that is useful.  

If after our first conversation we decide to work together, we’ll discuss how to make it work so that you can make the change you want to make, and make sure we have an engagement which works for you.

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